100 Days of Contronyms
Every day for 100 consecutive days, I illustrated a contronym. A contronym is a word with 2 contradictory meanings For example, bolt means to secure or to flee.
This project was part of 100 Days of Making, a grad school class that turns its head on the traditional class structure. Instead of focusing on one final project, it focuses on a daily, iterative design practice.
This project was part of 100 Days of Making, a grad school class that turns its head on the traditional class structure. Instead of focusing on one final project, it focuses on a daily, iterative design practice.
We identified a theme to explore over the course of 100 days and commit to making a variation on that idea (and posting social evidence of the work) every day for 100 days.
Creativity is sustained through daily practice, not waiting in vain for inspiration to strike. We were required to post what made each day online. At first, I thought this rule was about accountability. But it's more than that. It's about being comfortable with imperfection, not seeing it as failure. It’s the opposite of failure⏤it’s resilience and dedication. The practice encourages you to generate lots of ideas, without getting attached to one.
Creativity is sustained through daily practice, not waiting in vain for inspiration to strike. We were required to post what made each day online. At first, I thought this rule was about accountability. But it's more than that. It's about being comfortable with imperfection, not seeing it as failure. It’s the opposite of failure⏤it’s resilience and dedication. The practice encourages you to generate lots of ideas, without getting attached to one.
Give yourself permission to not be brilliant everyday. The good days wouldn’t happen if not for the bad ones right before. Looking back, fun to see themes emerge and certain designs remind me vividly of certain days.

DAY 100
alight: to settle on, or dismount from
DAY 99
alight: to settle on, or dismount from

DAY 98
bound: to move with leaping strides,
or be constrained
DAY 97
bound: to move with leaping strides, or be constrained

DAY 96
original: plain/unchanged, or creative/new
DAY 95
original: plain/unchanged, or creative/new
DAY 94
skin: to remove the skin from, or cover with skin
DAY 93
skin: to remove the skin from, or cover with skin
DAY 92
custom: a common practice, or special treatment
DAY 91
custom: a common practice, or special treatment
DAY 90
custom: a common practice, or special treatment
DAY 89
custom: a common practice, or special treatment

DAY 88
outstanding: incomplete, or completed with excellence
DAY 87
outstanding: incomplete, or completed with excellence

DAY 86
screen: to show, or conceal
DAY 85
screen: to show, or conceal
DAY 84
revolution: to change dramatically and irrevocably, or to end exactly where one started, coming full circle
DAY 83
revolution: to change dramatically and irrevocably, or to end exactly where one started, coming full circle
DAY 82
revolution: to change dramatically and irrevocably, or to end exactly where one started, coming full circle
DAY 81
revolution: to change dramatically and irrevocably, or to end exactly where one started, coming full circle
DAY 80
garnish: to furnish, or take away
DAY 79
garnish: to furnish, or take away
DAY 78
transparent: invisible, or obvious
DAY 77
transparent: invisible, or obvious
DAY 76
fine: of superior quality, or just satisfactory
DAY 75
fine: of superior quality, or just satisfactory
DAY 74
clip: to attach together, or cut off
DAY 73
clip: to attach together, or cut off
DAY 72
cite: to require a court appearance, or recognize a good deed
DAY 71
cite: to require a court appearance, or recognize a good deed
DAY 70
cleave: to separate/cut apart, or adhere/bind together
DAY 69
cleave: to separate/cut apart, or adhere/bind together
DAY 68
weather: to withstand, or wear away
DAY 67
weather: to withstand, or wear away
DAY 66
buckle: to fasten, or bend/give way
DAY 65
buckle: to fasten, or bend/give way
DAY 64
livid: reddish/flushed, or deathly pale/ashen
DAY 63
livid: reddish/flushed, or deathly pale/ashen
DAY 62
livid: reddish/flushed, or deathly pale/ashen
DAY 61
livid: reddish/flushed, or deathly pale/ashen

DAY 60
hold up: to support, or impede
DAY 59
hold up: to support, or impede
DAY 58
splice: to unite, or separate
DAY 57
splice: to unite, or separate
DAY 56
fast: something stuck firmly, or moving quickly
DAY 55
fast: something stuck firmly, or moving quickly
DAY 54
fast: something stuck firmly, or moving quickly
DAY 53
fast: something stuck firmly, or moving quickly
DAY 52
fix: to mend, or castrate
DAY 51
fix: to mend, or castrate
DAY 50
finished: completed, or destroyed
DAY 49
finished: completed, or destroyed
DAY 48
founder: one who builds something up, or to break down
DAY 47
founder: one who builds something up, or to break down
DAY 46
garnish: to furnish, or take away
DAY 45
garnish: to furnish, or take away

DAY 44
refrain: to repeat, or desist
DAY 43
refrain: to repeat, or desist
DAY 42
seed: to sow seeds, or remove them
DAY 41
seed: to sow seeds, or remove them
DAY 40
dust: to wipe away, or lightly cover
DAY 39
dust: to wipe away, or lightly cover
DAY 38
adumbrate: to obscure/overshadow, or disclose/foreshadow
DAY 37
adumbrate: to obscure/overshadow, or disclose/foreshadow
DAY 36
adumbrate: to obscure/overshadow, or disclose/foreshadow
DAY 35
ravel: a tangle/knot, or to untangle something
DAY 34
left: remained, or departed
DAY 33
left: remained, or departed
DAY 32
wind up: to end, or start
DAY 31
downhill: things are getting worse, or easier
DAY 30
off: activated (the alarm’s going off), or deactivated (the alarm isn’t going off because it’s off)
DAY 29
scan: to scrutinize, or skim
DAY 28
oversight: watchful/responsible care, or an inadvertent error
DAY 27
oversight: watchful/responsible care, or an inadvertent error
DAY 26
quiddity: the inherent essence of someone, or a peculiarity/oddity/quirk
DAY 25
quiddity: the inherent essence of someone, or a peculiarity/oddity/quirk
DAY 24
skin: to remove the skin from, or cover with skin
DAY 23
bolt: to secure, or flee
DAY 22
trim: to decorate, or remove
DAY 21
trim: to decorate, or remove
DAY 20
enjoin: to impose, or prohibit
DAY 19
enjoin: to impose, or prohibit
DAY 18
sanguine: cheerful, or bloodthirsty
DAY 17
sanguine: cheerful, or bloodthirsty

DAY 16
weather: to withstand, or wear away
DAY 15
cleave: to separate/cut apart, or adhere/bind together
DAY 14
lurid: glowing with color, or pale
DAY 13
lurid: glowing with color, or pale

DAY 12
refrain: to repeat, or desist
DAY 11
buckle: to fasten, or bend/give way
DAY 10
strike: to create (strike a pose), or eliminate
strike: to create (strike a pose), or eliminate
temper: to soften, or strengthen
temper: to soften, or strengthen
put out: to create, or extinguish
put out: to create, or extinguish